Saturday, May 25, 2019

Samsung Weather Widget Not Updating on The Hour... Here is my solution

I'm using Samsung A8 which I bought in 2018. I experienced the problem last two weeks when I tried new theme, new wallpaper and recustomized my weather widget after an OS update. Actually it was not the OS update that caused the problem, it was the action of removal of weather widget and putting it back that caused the widget to be 'offline' or not updating. I have tried a few solutions posted on forums but none of those worked for me.

I cannot guarantee that my technique will work for you but I'm sure it still worth trying. So, here is my simple solution:
1) Open your weather widget from your home screen.
2) Remove all the additional cities (except the current location)
3) Restart phone (if necessary)
4) Add additional cities (at least one city)
Your weather widget should be working now :)

Press the three-dots on the top right, then press Delete. Make sure you delete all the cities.

Good luck folks! Let me know if it works for you.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Jangan sebut Salam... sebut As-Salam... Aduhai Bangsaku...

Semenjak 2012 penggunaan As-Salam sebagai singkatan Assalamualaikum telah menjadi trending di media sosial tempatan. Hairan juga bagaimana ia boleh trending sebegini. Rupa-rupanya ada perkongsian di media sosial yang melarang menyebut "salam" kononnya ia bermaksud "celaka". Lā ḥawla wa lā quwwata illā billāh. Ini sama sekali TIDAK BENAR!

Bagaimana orang Islam kita boleh terpedaya sebegini? Itulah bahaya media sosial. Khususnya perkongsian berkenaan agama. Rata-rata orang kebanyakan tidak mempunyai pengetahuan yang mendalam tentang Islam tetapi ingin membuat kebaikan melalui kaedah mudah iaitu melalui social sharing and forwards, yang boleh dilakukan dihujung jari. Cuma persoalannya, adakah perkongsian 'di hujung jari' ini dapat memenuhi matlamat 'membuat kebaikan' dengan cara mudah tersebut? Ini kerana bahan yang dikongsi tu belum tentu benar dari segi kandungannya.

Sebelum kita menjawab persoalan tersebut, lebih baik kita menganalisa makna salam itu sendiri dalam beberapa minit.

(A) Mengikut Kamus Dewan Edisi ke-4 (Kamus Dewan adalah satu kamus tempatan terbitan Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka yang paling dipercayai dan paling tinggi kredibilitinya di kalangan kamus-kamus Bahasa Melayu yang lain), salam bermaksud
1. sejahtera (dalam kata majmuk), damai.
2. (pemberian) hormat, (penyataan) hormat: baginda duduk di atas kuda, melambai-lambai membalas salam rakyat baginda; salam takzim ~ salam dan hormat; berjabat salam ~ berjabat tangan; memberi salam ~ mengucapkan kata hormat (seperti assalamualaikum dsb)

Jelas makna salam itu begitu baik sekali. Bagaimana pemfitnah dan perosak bahasa ini boleh merumuskan salam itu bermaksud 'celaka' atau 'celakalah kamu'?

(B) Asal perkataan Islam (اسلام) adalah daripada perkataan salam (سلام), dan mempunyai akar kata Bahasa Arab yang sama iaitu sin (س), lam (ل) dan mim (م).

(C) Pengunaan salam di dalam Al-Quran: Terdapat 19 perkataan salam (سلام) daripada 16 buah surah di dalam Al-Quran; 6 perkataan salam dengan pengakhiran alif (سلاما) daripada 6 buah surah; 3 perkataan salam dengan permulaan wau (وسلام) daripada 3 buah surah; dan 1 perkataan salam dengan permulaan fa (فسلام) daripada sebuah surah.

Salam (سلام)

1. Surah Al-An'am, ayat 54.
2. Surah Al-A'raf, ayat 46.
3. Surah Yunus, ayat 10.
4. Surah Hud, ayat 69.
5. Surah Ar-Ra'd, ayat 24.
6. Surah Ibrahim, ayat 23.
7. Surah An-Nahl, ayat 32.
8. Surah Surah Maryam, ayat 47.
9. Surah Al-Qasas, ayat 55.
10. Surah Al-Ahzab, ayat 44.
11. Surah Yasin, ayat 58.
12. Surah As-Saffat, ayat 79.
13. Surah As-Saffat, ayat 109.
14. Surah As-Saffat, ayat 120.
15. Surah As-Saffat, ayat 130.
16. Surah Az-Zumar, ayat 73.
17. Surah Az-Zukhruf, ayat 89.
18. Surah Adh-Dhariyat, ayat 25.
19. Surah Al-Qadr, ayat 5.

Salam dengan pengakhiran alif (سلاما)

1. Surah Hud, ayat 69.
2. Surah Al-Hijr, ayat 52.
3. Surah Maryam, ayat 62.
4. Surah Al-Furqan, ayat 63.
5. Surah Adh-Dhariyat, ayat 25.
6. Surah Al-Waqi'ah, ayat 26.

Salam dengan permulaan wau (وسلام)

1. Surah Maryam, ayat 15.
2. Surah An-Naml, ayat 59.
3. Surah As-Saffat, ayat 181.

Salam dengan permulaan fa (فسلام)

Surah Al-Waqi'ah, ayat 91.

Mari kita ambil beberapa contoh daripada ayat-ayat di atas.
Surah Ibrahim, ayat 23:
وَأُدْخِلَ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ جَنَّاتٍ تَجْرِي مِن تَحْتِهَا الْأَنْهَارُ خَالِدِينَ فِيهَا بِإِذْنِ رَبِّهِمْ ۖ تَحِيَّتُهُمْ فِيهَا سَلَامٌ
Dan dimasukkanlah orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal saleh ke dalam syurga yang mengalir di bawahnya sungai-sungai; mereka kekal di dalamnya dengan izin Tuhan mereka; Ucapan penghormatan mereka dalam syurga itu adalah "Salam".

Surah Hud, ayat 69:
وَلَقَدْ جَاءَتْ رُسُلُنَا إِبْرَاهِيمَ بِالْبُشْرَىٰ قَالُوا سَلَامًا ۖ قَالَ سَلَامٌ ۖ فَمَا لَبِثَ أَن جَاءَ بِعِجْلٍ حَنِيذٍ
Dan sesungguhnya utusan-utusan Kami (malaikat-malaikat) telah datang kepada Ibrahim dengan membawa khabar gembira, mereka mengucapkan, "Salam". Ibrahim menjawab, "Salam". Maka tidak lama kemudian, ia membawa jamuan untuk mereka seekor anak lembu yang dipanggang.

Surah Yasin, ayat 58:
سَلَامٌ قَوْلًا مِّن رَّبٍّ رَّحِيمٍ
(Kepada mereka): "Salam" sebagai ucapan selamat dari Tuhan yang Maha Penyayang.

Surah As-Saffat, ayat 120:
سَلَامٌ عَلَىٰ مُوسَىٰ وَهَارُونَ
Salam kepada Nabi Musa dan Nabi Harun.

Surah Al-Ahzab, ayat 44:
تَحِيَّتُهُمْ يَوْمَ يَلْقَوْنَهُ سَلَامٌ ۚ وَأَعَدَّ لَهُمْ أَجْرًا كَرِيمًا
Sambutan penghormatan yang akan diberi Tuhan kepada mereka semasa menemuiNya ialah ucapan "Salam"; dan Ia telah menyediakan untuk mereka pahala balasan yang mulia.

[Selebihnya anda boleh rujuk sendiri di dalam Al-Quran]

Nah, bukankah ucapan penghormatan penghuni syurga itu adalah 'Salam'? Bukankah malaikat yang diutuskan kepada Nabi Ibrahim mengucapkan 'Salam' dan Nabi Ibrahim membalas dengan ucapan 'Salam'? Bukankah nabi-nabi terdahulu juga menggunakan Salam? Jadi, bagaimanakah Salam itu boleh membawa maksud 'celaka'?

(D) Di dalam masyarakat Arab sendiri, penggunaan salam pendek ("salaam سلام") dalam memberi salam adalah perkara biasa. Bagaimanapun mereka tidaklah pula menggunakan singkatan "assalam" (السلام) seperti sesetengah masyarakat kita. As-Salam boleh membawa maksud 'yang sejahtera', misalnya Masjid As-Salam yang membawa maksud 'Masjid Sejahtera'. As-Salam juga salah satu daripada 99 nama Allah yang membawa maksud 'Yang Maha Sejahtera'.

Dari segi tatabahasa, adalah tidak tepat jika kita ucap "as-salam" begitu sahaja dalam maksud memberi salam. Ia mesti dilengkapkan dengan "alaik atau alaikum" yang bermaksud 'ke atasmu / ke atas kamu semua'. Jika hendak memberi 'salam penuh', gunakanlah salam yang lengkap iaitu "Assalamualaikum (السلام عليكم)" atau "Salam'alaikum (سلام عليكم)". Jika tidak, gunakan salam pendek sahaja yakni Salam (سلام). Semua ini (salam, salam'alaikum, assalam'alaikum) ada dinyatakan di dalam sunnah (Al-Quran dan Hadis). Sebenarnya terdapat beberapa lagi gaya memberi salam yang diceritakan di dalam hadis-hadis yang sahih seperti Salam alaik dsb. tetapi ini tidak termasuk di dalam skop penulisan ini. Cuma apa yang hendak ditekankan di sini ialah - praktikkanlah yang sunnah.

Contoh di dalam Al-Quran yang menggunakan 'Salam'alaikum' - Surah Ar-Ra'd, ayat 24:
سَلَامٌ عَلَيْكُم بِمَا صَبَرْتُمْ ۚ فَنِعْمَ عُقْبَى الدَّارِ
Salam ke atas kamu (semua) di atas kesabaranmu yang berterusan. Maka alangkah baiknya tempat kesudahan itu.

Lihat tiada 'Al (ال)' atau 'As' di situ. Jadi tidak perlulah berbalah kononnya wajib memakai "As" di hadapan perkataan salam ketika memberi salam.

(E) Penggunaan Salam di dalam album: Terdapat beberapa artis antarabangsa yang menggunakan judul album 'Salam' pada album mereka.

(Dari atas ke bawah - cover album Sami Yusuf, Irfan Makki dan Harris J.)

Bayangkan jika judul album mereka bermaksud celaka, tidakkah ini mengundang kontroversi kepada dunia Islam? Adakah Sami Yusuf mahupun penerbit album beliau tidak tahu akan makna Salam /Salaam?


Memang penggunaan 'As-Salam' dalam memberi salam telah membudaya di dalam masyarakat kita. Lihat sahaja emel, mesej whatsapp, facebook, mahupun media sosial lain, penggunaan 'as-salam' begitu trending sekali. Tidak kiralah ahli keluarga, teman rapat, rakan sekerja, pegawai kerajaan, pensyarah, Dato' Seri, malah lulusan sekolah agama dan ahli masjid tidak terkecuali daripada kekeliruan ini.

Sebenarnya tiada istilah singkatan 'Assalamualaikum' seperti Aslkm, Asm, Akum, dll., kerana Islam telah menyediakan ucapan salam terpendek yakni "Salam" yang terang-terangan dinyatakan di dalam Al-Quran dan hadis-hadis yang sahih. Apa yang membimbangkan kita adalah sekiranya golongan yang menggunakan istilah 'As-Salam' ini meyakini bahawa 'Salam' itu bermaksud celaka, dan terus-terusan menyebarkan kepalsuan ini di kalangan masyarakat. Malang sekali sekiranya mereka menyedari akan hal ini tetapi take for granted dan buat-buat tak tahu. Yelahkan, tak mungkin kita tidak sedar apabila ada rakan yang memberi mesej salam pendek (سلام) tetapi dijawabnya dengan As-Salam (dan sebaliknya), tidakkah ini suatu yang pelik? Mesti ada sesuatu yang telah berlaku di situ. Kenapa kita sebagai umat Islam yang dianugerahkan dengan akal fikiran yang sempurna oleh Allah, tidak menggunakan akal fikiran tersebut untuk berfikir dan mencari kebenaran?

 Pemfitnah menggunakan gambar Allahyarham Dr Haron Din bagi menguatkan hujah dan meyakinkan orang-ramai bahawa salam itu bermaksud celaka

Sekarang mari kita semak kebenaran sebaran ini:
-Bye bermaksud 'Di bawah naungan Pope'? - Mengarut sekali!
-Akum bermaksud 'binatang' dalam Bahasa Yahudi? - Sangat mengarut! Tidak wujud Bahasa Yahudi. Yahudi itu bangsa, bukan bahasa. Bahasa pertuturan masyarakat Yahudi adalah Bahasa Ibrani yang juga dikenali sebagai Hebrew dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Manakala dalam Bahasa Arab ia dipanggil Lugha al-'Ibriya (اللغة العبرية). Perlu diketahui bahawa binatang dalam Bahasa Ibrani adalah ba'al khayim (בעל חיים). Akum dan ba'al khayim... sungguh jauh berbeza.
-Semekom itu bermaksud celaka kamu? - Mengarut!! Dapat dari kamus mana ini?

Wahai pemfitnah dan perosak bahasa, ketahuilah Salam itu Halal lagi baik maknanya. Jangan kamu haramkan yang Halal dan jangan kamu pesongkan kefahaman masyarakat kita. Islam kita sudah parah, jangan kamu menambah parah lagi Islam kita.

Kita tidak tahu siapa yang memulakan penyebaran ini... apakah tujuannya, adakah dia musuh Islam, adakah dia seorang Islam tetapi jahil, adakah dia hanya ingin test the market, kita tidak tahu. Wallahua'lam. Semoga Allah melindungi kita semua daripada fitnah sebegini.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

أول مرة بكتب بالعربي

 مرحبا اسمي عزوز اول اشي. انا زلمة ماليزي باشتغل في المنطقة الصناعية كوليم وعايش فيها خمس ايام في الاسبوع. انا اهلي من مدينة تيبينج وعايش فيها نهاية الاسبوع. انا بحب لغات بشكل عام. لغاتي المفضلة العربيه والاسبانيه والفرنسيه. وطبعا عربي هي لغتي بمعظم المفضلة

ليش انا اتعلم عربي؟

  اول مرة سمعتها احببتها كتير. صوتها كان حلوة. انا متاكد لغة العربية اجمل لغة في الدونيا
  من انا وزغير كنت اسمع اغاني عربي كتير وكنت غالبا اتفرج مسلسلات لبناني وسوري متل باب الحارة
      انا كتير بحب اكلات عربية. انا بعرف مقلوبة فلسطيني ومنسف اردني وملوخية وكبسة ومندي وشي كمان


  بصراحه ما احكي عربي كتير. اذا بحكي عربي انا بحكي عامية مخلط فصحى مخلط انجليزي زي هيك - مشكله يعني. عشان هيك سامحني اذا كتب شي خطأ. بدي اتعلم من خطائي. اذا في بدي اتمرن مع اصحاب ماليزيين بس هون في البلد ما في كتير ناس ماليزي يحكو عربي منيح... شو افعل؟

انا من برا ماليزي بس من جوا عربي هههههه

يا جماعة احكيلي اذا بدك تكون معلمي

 اوكيه هي اول مرة بكتب فيها بالعربي ان شاء الله بشوفك مرة جاي

Saturday, May 10, 2014

How to switch language in MacBook

If you are a polyglot or speak multiple languages with different scripts such as Arabic, Russian, Korean, Indian and so on, you will surely want your languages to be switchable by a simple click. While switching language is so easy in Windows (shortcut keys are Alt + Shift), MacBook users on the other hand have to depend on the build in language bar located on the Menu Bar at the top right of the dock. Switching language is therefore slow and not practical for a guy of my standard, and this is not what I expected from a highly reputable brand - Apple Macbook!

However, I recently discovered that we can actually create a shortcut for the language switch. This is how I did:

1. Click language icon at the menu bar and select Open Language & Text... This will direct you to Input Sources.

Snapshot of Mac OS X menu bar

2. You will see list of languages on the left side and Input source shortcuts on the right side. Click Keyboard Shortcuts...

Snapshot of Mac OS X Language & Text

3. Under Keyboard Shortcuts, select Keyboards & Text Input

Snapshot of Mac OS X Keyboard Shortcuts

4. Tick "Select next source in input menu"
At this stage, you may see a yellow triangle Warning Sign indicating that the current default shortcut [Command + Space] is already used by another actions.

Snapshot of Mac OS X Keyboard Shortcuts

5. Double-click the current default shortcut [Command + Space] and replace with [Command + L] as below (or any other shortcuts that are not in-used by other actions)
Note: I used letter "L" here, since L is the first letter for Language, so it's easier to remember

Done! Now you can switch between languages by pressing Command + L. Good luck.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Voice of Palestine: Al-Yarmouk Camp is calling you

This article was written by my Palestinian friend Mohammad S. Arafat and published in my blog as part of my heartfelt support for the people of Palestine.

I don't write this article because Al-Yarmouk camp is Palestinian. I don't write this article because it's an Arab camp inside an Arab country, but I write it because the humanity wants me and every pure pen to hoist the flag of humanity in the sky of the silent world to show others what's going on in Al-Yarmouk camp and its people in Syria.

I don't want to speak about who is creating the crisis in this camp. I don't want to speak about who is responsible for that. I just want to speak about the problems and how the Palestinian refugees suffer and being tortured.

There were many things in my mind about this camp two weeks ago to speak about. I told my mind not to say anything in order not to increase the Palestinian wounds. My mind began to moan and told me that the scenes that inside him are so heavy and he cannot carry them alone. He told me he will explode unless I don't say what he has. He begged me more than three times and finally I agreed and began my article with: What's going on in Al-Yarmouk camp? What's happening with its Palestinian people? Are they really hungry and thirsty? What are they eating and drinking?

Al-Yarmouk camp is a Palestinian camp that established by the UNRWA since 1957 .It is a 2.11 square kilometers of Syrian lands. It's the biggest camp in Syria for the Palestinian refugees. This camp is full of narrow streets and small homes with big families. Many poor Syrians are living in it beside their Palestinian refugees.

In 2011 and during the Syrian crisis, this camp was a shelter for many Syrian families after they lost their homes in Syrian cities, villages and lanes.

I was watching TV here in Gaza moving from a news channel to another looking for something new to write about. I watched Al-Jazeera news channel and got some news that Al-Yarmouk camp is being besieged. I told to myself that this camp has been being besieged since two years from the beginning of the Syrian crisis, so I did not consider those things. I continued watching news and then moved to a Palestinian news Channel was talking about the same thing about Al-Yarmouk camp. I told to myself that there must be something new in the Palestinian camp in Syria. I moved from a channel to another many times and found the same thing too. The media was just talking about the Al-Yarmouk camp and the starving waves that occupied it. As I was listing to that, I got shocked and felt some hot tears dropping from my eyes and then I asked myself, "Is that really happening those days? Can that really happen?"

I saw what no one saw. I saw tragic sad clips full of horrible scenes about the Palestinians there. I saw what my heart believed and what my mind didn't.  I saw three little cute children were looking for something to eat in a trash container. They found some old pieces of paper and began to eat them gluttony as if they eat something delicious. I saw an innocent tolerated mother was cooking water with stones in a big cooker on fire for her two sons and daughter waiting for someone to come and get her real food. I saw four grownups were eating the leaves of trees and one of them was saying, "We cannot even find the green leaves".

Yarmouk Camp's children who badly hunger for food - How come we don't care?

I saw something unbelievable that I cannot mention, but I will mention it in order to let others know the truth. I saw some men were slaughtering a cat preparing it for boiling and then eating as if they slaughter a sheep or a big cow. Then one of them said, "This camp is empty of cats. We cannot find them any more".

A friend of mine told me something I could not believe at all. He told me that many Palestinian refugees began to burn their homes completely. I asked him why and he answered sadly, "They are burning their homes because they are despair of life. They lost their wishes in this life. They lost the solidarity of their Arab and non-Arab countries in this world". During his speech, my eyes were full of tears and my ears they turned into red.

Why are the Palestinians suffering everywhere and anytime? What is happening? Why are others silent? Why are others still putting their fingers in their ears in order not to hear the Palestinian refugees' moaning? Why are others still closing their eyes in order not to see what's going on there?  Why are others still folding their arms with glue waiting for nothing?  Why are others saying that those scenes are just kinds of nonsense?


by Mohammad S. Arafat
12/ 1/ 2014

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Drone strikes - We maybe next

A drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that remotely controlled by a human operator at a pilot station. It can also be controlled via satellite transmission when direct link is unavailable. Drone has been integrated into modern warfare as a military surveyor that provides geospatial intelligence and recently ability to strike from air without risking of a pilot.

Drone spy plane 

The first time I heard about drone was when I read BBC news a few years back. Apart from Aljazeera and a few independent media, I normally follow BBC World News particularly on the Middle East. Palestinian issue is a never ending story, the more I read the more I get used to all sad stories. People got killed or injured due to Israeli attacks are perhaps common headlines in the Middle East that my brain has to digest and rationalize how 'cheap' Palestinian blood can be. How can I stop hating Israel and America if killing the Palestinians could be morally justified as Israeli self-defense response?

Why are we so blind to see the truth? When 29 Palestinian civilians killed by the Israeli drones during the Gaza conflict in 2009, the world do nothing about the genocide, as if it's just a video game, despite the hardship created towards the bullied Palestinian victims and families. Until middle of 2013, based on a few trusted sources, almost 1000 Palestinians killed by drones alone, sadly more than two-thirds were civilians involving women and children.

Now drone strikes have been extended to other Muslim nations such as Yemen and Pakistan, a warfare that has become common in the US pursuit of al-Qaeda and the Taliban. The allegedly senior al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders have been killed in drone strikes in Pakistan, but civilians were also among the casualties. These attacks stirred outrage in Pakistan, which many assert that the strikes cause indiscriminate deaths to the military target (allegedly 'military target' as publicized by American-controlled media) and civilians. There were also many reported cases of drone attacks in Afghanistan, Somalia and the Philippines.

The question is - if drone-launched missiles are considered among the most precise weapons in the world, why the so-called 'accurate and coordinated military strikes' led to loss of civilian lives?

Besides, is the place of attack a war zone that you (America) can simply advocate the use of lethal force?

As far as the international law is concerned, you must first verify if targets were combatants, and if there are civilians, they must first be evacuated from the war zones.

Since pictures and videos from the independent reporters confirmed that the indiscriminate killing continues, obviously US-Israel have been above all laws of the entire universe for too long. This means 'the inhuman and the unlawful killings' is perhaps permissible as long as they are executed by the name of US or Israel, the biggest terrorists of all kinds. And their unlawful acts and crimes against humanity are going to remain unchallenged unless more than two-thirds of the people of America themselves take a huge stand against their government.

When I read "Will I be next?", a new report from Amnesty International released on 22 October 2013, I came to understand that the killing, and several other so-called targeted killings from US drone strikes in Pakistan, violated the right to life and may constitute extrajudicial executions or war crimes. Most of us actually already knew that but we are nobody to take actions, so thanks to Amnesty International for documenting the crimes and releasing the report.

Do they look like terrorists to you? Obviously drone strikes do NOT discriminate civilians and military targets

So innocent people of the world out there, whenever you spot a drone flying overhead, 'strike a pose' before the drone strikes at you and post it to a proper channel for protest. We don't know who is going to be next, maybe you maybe me...


To drone operators... please have a heart
If you have a family and love ones, they have too
You definitely can make a difference... PEACE

Friday, October 25, 2013


When anyone receives supermarket vouchers, I'm sure most of ordinary people like us won't refuse (unless you are too rich to need such). For me, it surely can save some Ringgit, although it just cost one Ringgit or two.

But what are you going to do if you hold 'magic vouchers'? Like me, I currently hold extra Tesco vouchers, which sent to my home address under a different name - Martin Furneaux. I'm not surprised if I receive emails or phone calls from wrong senders/callers but to my home address and from Tesco, where the content is legitimate, that's weird!

Martin's Clubcard statement was sent to my address

So who is Martin Furneaux? No one of my household named Martin Furneaux. Martin Furneaux sounds so French to me. If he's not then he could probably a British with French surname. Naaa... I don't want to waste my time guessing, so I presumed that he is just a tourist who stopped by at my hometown Tesco to do some shopping.

I already checked with Tesco, they have his passport no. and mobile number however when I called it ends up with number not available tone.

So if you are MARTIN FURNEAUX, please contact me because you have a lot of vouchers to spend. To date, by accumulation, he earns Clubcard cash vouchers of almost RM40 (= GBP7.82 = USD12.70), valid until 2015. As a Muslim, where honesty is important, it is my duty not to spend something which is not mine. I like to keep it until I meet the owner rather than to give to someone else. So if you are the one, just leave a message under comment section (only write once because it's moderated).